Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Say what you need to say

I am losing a friend and it breaks. my. heart. Watching someone you love grow ill and suffer is hard, watching them die is devastating, but my heartbreak stems not from those struggles as much as it does from a deeper sorrow. I feel like I'm failing her. You see, I am a believer and she is not. I think it's safe to say that everyone who knows me knows I'm a Christian. I've certainly never kept it a secret. I talk about how I love my church, my core group kids, my church family, but....when was the last time I mentioned why? Why am I a Christian, why do I believe? When have I talked with her about what joy and purpose and strength it has brought to my life knowing that the God of the universe cares about me so much that He died to ensure that I could be with Him forever? And, in this I have failed her and it grieves me to no end. It's not about theology, or what you *should* believe, a set of prescribed rules. Rather it's about a relationship, a peace that I would give anything for her to have. So, you ask, what are you waiting for, why not just tell her? I don't have the answer to that, but perhaps an opening or opportunity will present itself, it's what I pray for. A verse from a song keeps coming to mind "You better know that in the end it's better to say too much than to never say what you need to say again." And,I think that's a reminder we all need from time to time.


  1. Remember God's plan and sometimes someone isn't open for the information, which might be why you haven't "said what you need to say". It lays heavy on my heart as well, and something I pray about often for both of you.

  2. God gives us different jobs. He's the Great Gardener. Some of us are planters, others are pruners, some are tenders, others are harvesters, etc. It's possible that if the opportunity hasn't presented itself and the words haven't come pouring out of your mouth that you aren't the planter of the idea. You might be a tender or the moment hasn't come. It doesn't have to be a big "come to Jesus" moment, either. It could simply be saying, "Jesus has it."

    Then again, I've never been the one to bring anyone to Christ. I seem to be a pruner, helping people cut off the damage and see the new growth that comes from pain. (Fun times, I'll tell ya.)

    I'll pray that if you are the one to bring her to Christ that the words will lay so heavily on your heart that you can't rest until they're spoken and that if you aren't the one to verbally bring her, that you'll have peace.
