Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I went to the post office today, which of course conjures up all kinds of nightmarish thoughts it being December 14th and all. But, I had a box to mail to the husband of a friend who is stationed overseas in the Army and so I sucked it up and headed over there. It actually wasn't too bad and the people were generally in a good mood, so even though I had the wrong forms filled out it went fine, until the clerk asked me if I wanted the box back if it was "undeliverable", or if I wanted it donated to the chaplain. Now, as my sweet husband tried to console me with, there are lots of reasons a package would be undeliverable. Loads in fact, especially considering we are talking about the US Postal service. But, all I could see in my mind are the countless families sending packages to their loved ones serving in the armed forces and waiting and praying for their return. I barely kept it together until I got to the parking lot.

When I got in the car and turned it on all I heard were Christmas songs, which are so common in December on the radio anymore that I tend to treat them like white noise. I occasionally turn up a particularly loved tune, but for the most part it's just background "filler". But today the song "Mary Did You Know" came on", and although I've heard it lots of times, today it really made an impact on me. It made me really stop and consider the gift of sacrifices.

I started wondering if Mary really knew the impact of her Son being born, if she really understood the sacrifice that would be required of Him, and also of her. It says in Luke 2:19 "But Mary kept these things and pondered them in her heart". But, did she ponder *that*? Did she sit there and realize that this infant she bore, that she loved, would willingly give Himself not only for her, but for all mankind? How could she ever have considered that? It's at once a terrible and awesome thing to reconcile.

Clearly nobody whose loved ones voluntarily put themselves in harm's way spend too much time thinking about that. I mean, really, how could you and continue to function every day? I doubt my friend whose husband is in the Army does, she's too busy trying to care for 3 young children. And how about the rest of us; those of us who just wander around every day filling our lives with "important" duties? Do we ever really stop to "ponder these things in our hearts"? When is the last time you *truly* thought on the topic of sacrifice?

As you go about these last days in preparation for the holidays spend some time thinking about it. What would *you* be willing to sacrifice for?, What, or who do you think is worthy of sacrifice? Contemplating those questions could prove to be very enlightening not only on how we view those who serve us here on earth, but also in how we relate to the One who gave it all.

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